What Clients Say

"I met Jyothi in Kalamazoo, Michigan where she read my Vedic Astrological Chart. Her reading of the stars for me was so accurate it made me laugh! We always hope to find people that can offer us more clarity for our lives. Jyothi is one of those people. She is highly accessible even though we live in different parts of the world. I highly recommend Jyothi. Her spirit and expertise are truly aligned. Thanks, Jyothi!" - With Peace, Krista Katrovas, Kalamazoo, MI

"I consider myself fortunate to have you as my Ayurvedic Doctor. You have treated me 3 times in the past 2 years. The Abhyanga for 7 days was amazing in helping my various issues and gave me the most wonderul sleep every night. The experience with Shirodhara for 7 days was out of this world. It was very calming with a nice nap during the treatment and many benefits with calming my mind after the treatment for many days. Thank you for the Pinda Sweda that you performed on my back for my pain that did not respond to other medications. The pain relief that I got from your treatment gave me lasting relief.  All the oil treatments used for my knee pain and back in the past ( 4 years ago ) were very helpful. Thank you, thank you, thank you." - Client, Yorktown, NY

"Jyothi's knowledge and dedication make her a great doctor. Combine that with her compassion and generosity and you have a great healer" - Tim, Lenox, MA

"Jyothi's Nasya treatment was fantastic.  I had sinus issues for a couple of years that didn't respond to conventional medicine.  The 7 day Nasya treatment cleared up my blockages and now I am much better.  Jyothi is a patient and knowledgeable Ayurvedic specialist.  She gives her clients practical suggestions that they can implement in their everyday lives.  Ayurveda is an amazing and effective alternative to ongoing health issues." - Kamal, Brooklyn, NY

"I was diagnosed with a femoral fracture and underwent multiple surgeries to correct it.  As a result of the surgeries, I had developed major scar tissue on both my thighs.  I also had chronic pain in my hips, which made it impossible to sleep on my sides at night.  For over 6 months I was sleeping on my back only.  After Jyothi's 7 days of Ayurvedic treatment, which included Abhyanga and steam treatment, I was able to finally sleep on my sides at night.  My pain reduced a great deal and I was able to move around much better." - Rekha, Ossining, NY